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UnTold Stories

Untold Stories is a Civic Engagement project, supported by the University of East London’s (UEL) Civic Engagement Fund and the Salvation Army Housing Association (SAHA).  Digitales is working with 7 students from UEL to train them in Digital Storytelling facilitation, which they will then go on to apply as they facilitate a Digital Storytelling workshop…



Untold Stories is a Civic Engagement project, supported by the University of East London’s (UEL) Civic Engagement Fund and the Salvation Army Housing Association (SAHA).  Digitales is working with 7 students from UEL to train them in Digital Storytelling facilitation, which they will then go on to apply as they facilitate a Digital Storytelling workshop in May 2017 at the University with young people from SAHA’s Braintree Foyer.  Foyers provide affordable and safe accommodation linked to employment and training opportunities, support and a range of other services for young people aged between 16 and 24.  The stories that are produced from the workshops will be screened at this year’s International Digital Storytelling get-together, the Untold Un-conference, which will be hosted by UEL on 11th and 12th July.  The first facilitator training workshop for the students took place on March 28-30th.
Images by Ray Gibson.

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