Reading on Screen (RoS) was a collaboration between the universities of Bournemouth and Brighton funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. It was designed to share the findings with the public, of two previous projects at Bournemouth University, funded by the AHRC: Researching Readers Online and Digital Reading Network.
DigiTales led Digital Storytelling workshops in Bournemouth, Brighton and Sheffield, between May and October 2017, to capture the stories of readers living through the technological advances of the last decades which have resulted in more and more people ‘reading on screen’. It culminated in a final exhibition at the University of Brighton on December 15th 2017. RoS was also supported by The Reading Agency, a charity dedicated to inspiring people to read more and also featured as part of Brighton Digital Festival in October 2017. Twenty-seven stories were created by people in their twenties to in their eighties, using a range of techniques including animation, poetry and live-action video. The University of Brighton (UoB) also collected interviews from participants and three Digital Stories documenting the process, and participants’ responses were also created.
Watch the Digital Stories here.
Watch the Project Stories here.
Selected images from Bournemouth and Brighton workshops. Photos: Ray Gibson.